February 26, 2010

What to do in an Earthquake

Did you know that there are other ways to be safe in an earthquake?

I learned from my Science lesson this week that great damage is sometimes caused by landslides and tsunamis rather than the earthquake itself. People who live in an area where earthquakes are likely to happen should remember certain rules:

1. Act in very quiet way.
2. Trust God to take care of you.
3. Think and pray before you do anything.
4. If you are indoors during an earthquake and cannot get outside, stay away from the windows and other kind of glass.
5. Watch out for high pieces in the room such as bookcases or dressers, which may fall over.
6. Some safer places to be are under a table or bed, in a strong doorway, or in a corner away from the windows.
7. If you are outdoor during an earthquake, get away from high buildings or power poles. Try to move to an open area.
8. If you are in school, do as your teacher tells you to do.

Here is a picture of an earthquake.

" Always remember that God is in control. Ask him to take care of you and then trust Him to do it."

To read more interesting lessons learned this week, go to Bee Wise.


  1. This is a very good and relevant post Naomi. I'm so glad you have thought of sharing this.

  2. Wonder who took those photos of that earthquake?!?
    Thank you for this helpful information!
    You are right! We should ALWAYS pray and trust God. BOY do we like your new fancy background!!! Where did you get it?
    Your Friends,
    Mary Helen and Grace

  3. Dear Mary Helen and Grace,

    Thank you for leaving a comment. My mom helped me with my background and I made the design. I got the background from the photobucket.

  4. what a wonderful post to share! hugss :)
