September 16, 2010

Guessing Game 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi, everyone! I didn't know what to write so I was thinking of a game. The game is really easy try guessing how many question marks are there, I will be giving the answers on next Friday and the virtual gift.

!Start Counting and Have fun!



  1. I am sure there is a catch to this, but based on what I see, thee are 15 question marks. I enjoyed visiting your blog.

  2. Naomi, I am not sure if my comment went through. I am sure there is a catch to this game, but as I see it, there are 15 question marks. You are doing very well and I enjoyed my visit with you again today. I would like to feature you on my Pink Saturday post. Our hostess for that day suggest we introduce a new friend. Be careful and study hard.

  3. Naomi, be sure to visit my blog today,Pink Saturday. Go to the bottom of my post. Take care young lady.

  4. My Answer:

    Mmmmm... 15?
    Yeh. I'll go with 15.

