April 25, 2010

Answer the Riddle 2

Hi, want to join the game?

Here's what you should do.
Answer the Riddle
If you answered the riddle correctly you will win a virtual gift from me.
Have fun !!!

I am small but you can't see me at night and I can sleep upside down.

I'll give you the answer on Monday.


  1. Is that a bat or an owl? Ahhh! OK I think its a BAT.

  2. Hi, Noami!!! This is the first time I've visited your blog!! I like it!! I'd love if you checked out my blog!!

    I think it's either a bat or an opossum. Is it a... uh... I'll go with bat like tweetie may.

    Katie :)

  3. Hi, Naomi!!! Thanks for leaving a comment!
